
Makemkv key december 2020
Makemkv key december 2020

  • FindVUK tool - get VUK of all Blurays supported by DVDfab applications.
  • Check the following threads to retrieve all necessary keys without a valid DK and HC For example, when VUK is cached DK + HC are no longer needed for AACS decryption. However, any step in the process can be skipped by using cached keys in the local aacs directory or KEYDB.cfg.
  • When either DK or HC has been revoked, libaacs cannot generate decryption keys anymore.
  • BD+ VM -> BD+ table -> remove BD+ protection.
  • MK + VID -> VUK -> UK -> remove AACS encryption.
  • Simplified, libaacs/libbdplus uses the following flow to remove supported protections.
  • bdplus (system wide): /Library/Preferences/bdplus.
  • bdplus (per user): ~/Library/ Caches/bdplus.
  • aacs (system wide): /Library/Preferences/aacs.
  • aacs (per user): ~/Library/ Preferences/aacs.
  • dll 64-bit: C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC.
  • dll 32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC.
  • bdplus (system wide): %ProgramData%\bdplus.
  • base aacs/bdplus directories in above "How To:" are different depending on OS and user-based or system-based (all users) installation.
  • makemkv key december 2020

    extra Kodi patch from user nst no longer required, use Kodi version > 18.7 because of BD playback bug.Edit KEDYB.cfg and add/replace the device keys (DK), processing keys (PK) and host certificates (HC) at the top with the ones from this post (valid up to MKBv71).Put FindVUK's KEYDB.cfg in the %APPDATA%\aacs directory.Put the cached BD+ tables (1.5GB) in the %APPDATA%\bdplus\convtab directory.Put the BD+ vm files in the %APPDATA%\bdplus\vm0 directory.

    makemkv key december 2020

    Put the 32-bit or 64-bit libaacs/libbdplus DLLs (all 4) in the corresponding VLC directory.Incomplete Unit Key (UK) support: allow (partial) playback of discs in case not all unit keys are available in KEYB.cfg and the VUK is not available.This enables possible scraping in the future by FindVUK Media Key (MK) caching: similar to already existing Volume Unique Key (VUK) and VolumeID (VID) caching.Read Data Key (RDK) caching: play Bus Encrypted Enabled (BEE) discs on Bus Encryption Enabled (BEC) drives after the Host Certificate (HC) is revoked.Cached BD+ tables support: circumvent the need for the BD+ Virtual Machine (VM) and play BD+ discs of all generations without menus.

    makemkv key december 2020

    It would be nice if someone actually good at C can clean these up and integrate them on the VideoLan source repository. Included are Win32/Win64 builds and the actual source patches. Presented here is a new libaacs & libbdplus build for Windows with some improvements made by several different people.

    makemkv key december 2020

    After a long hiatus, discoveries in the past few years on this forum have made Blu-ray playback possible again on free (libre) software such as VLC without proprietary solutions such as DVDFab, MakeMKV or AnyDVD.

    Makemkv key december 2020